
Obstetrics & Gynecology

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at SANJIVANI Multi Specialty Hospitals provides round the clock comprehensive services through a group of qualified and experienced Obstetricians and Gynecologists with utmost personalized care. Around the clock availability of postgraduate resident doctors and modern, well equipped labor rooms ensure correct and comprehensive care to mothers during delivery.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology services include treatment for:
Antenatal, Perinatal And Postnatal Care
Antenatal Education Program
Fetal Assessment & Ultrasonography
Painless Delivery
Management of High Risk Pregnancies as:
Bad Obs. History
Multiple Pregnancy
Elderly Primi Gravida/ Gravida Multipara
Pregnancy With Medical Disorders Like Hypertension, Eclampsia, Gestational Diabetes
Cephalo-Pelvic Disproportion
Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH)
Pre-Labour Rupture Of Membranes (PROM)
Meconium Stained Liquor
Previous LSCS
Previous Infant With RH/ ABO Incompatibility
Pregnancy Below Age Of 17 & Above Age Of 35
Primi Above The Age Of 30 Years
Pregnancy Following A Long Period Of Infertility